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Here are a range of testimonials from previous clients – discover what my very special past clients experienced after working one on one with me.
It is my intention to develop a deep connection and strong relationship with my clients, and to create a safe and sacred space for them to feel comfortable with delving deep.



“Completing 6 weeks of Thrive with Grace was one of the best investments I’ve made in myself. Grace created a safe space for self-exploration and made me feel truly seen and heard.
With her guidance, I was able to get to the root of deep-seated issues that had weighed on me for years. Her compassionate and incisive approach helped me process and release lifelong patterns. She devoted the time necessary to ensure I healed in a meaningful way.
Thanks to Thrive and Grace’s expertise, I emerged lighter, freer, and more confident. I gained tools to manage my inner critic and now believe I am enough, exactly as I am.
I cannot overstate the value of my sessions with Grace!! Her warmth, wisdom and commitment to helping me become the best version of myself has been invaluable. I will be forever grateful for the transformative experience of working with Grace!”


Managing stress

“I came into this with a healthy scepticism but very much intrigued in the process. Working with Grace has given me tools and techniques that have improved all aspects of my personal and work life, and the turnaround has been fast and impressive. I have learnt to love and look after myself better, and I’m better for the people that matter to me. Stress levels are down, happiness is up, and it’s created a foundation that makes improvement in other areas of my life easier and more likely to stick. 100% recommend!”



“MAKING MY WORLD WONDERFUL AGAIN. Grace is one incredible person and mental health coach. From the first minute of my first session with her I felt totally at ease and able to share even my most personal issues. It was as if I had known her for years and there was absolutely no sense of judgement from her, just total empathy and understanding. My mental health turnaround since starting sessions with Grace has been nothing short of remarkable. The amazing thing is there is no sense of preaching or instructing from her, she just quietly, yet systematically, guides you in the right direction. The results have been dramatic and relatively speedy. My world and mental health are so far removed from my life before Grace. I was sceptical, if not a little anxious, about having hypnotherapy as part of Grace’s service. The hypno turned out to be amazing and left me feeling wonderful. You are conscious throughout the session and not in the trance I had preconceptions of. I have had mental health issues for many years, including suicidal thoughts and therapy at The Priory. These just seem so far removed from where Grace has got me to. I have left it a couple of months since my last session with Grace to write this review. I wanted to see if the results stood the test of real life. I have found that despite some very significant real life events and issues during this time what Grace taught me has enabled me to face these head on and carry on. Thank you, thank you Grace. It is impossible to use words that recommend you highly enough!!!!!”


Anxiety and self confidence

“I have been engaged in therapy for several years, and since last year, I have found that my sessions with Grace have been the most effective. It’s not to say that my previous therapy experiences were inadequate, but Grace’s approach has truly been the pinnacle of my healing journey. Through hypnotherapy, I have managed to establish a profound connection with my inner child, gaining a deeper understanding of my family dynamics, my past experiences, and my current situation. This therapeutic modality has provided me with a fresh perspective on my life, empowering me to tackle familial challenges with newfound strength. I have learned to give more of myself when necessary, while also setting healthy boundaries. Following the hypnotherapy sessions, I made the decision to continue working with Grace, as she is helping me unravel the remaining fragments that have kept me somewhat disconnected from my true self. Witnessing the effectiveness of our sessions, I have observed a remarkable transformation taking place within my brain and my entire being. Grace’s guidance has been instrumental in addressing my past, fostering self-acceptance, and assisting me in the process of personal growth and self-improvement.”




“Thank you so much for what you are doing for both of us with your amazing sessions. Believe it or not getting a slight tear in my eye writing this as I am reporting still no headaches. Simply incredible and makes the quality of life so much better. Fingers crossed it continues…..if it does the headache pill manufacturers are going to hate you 

Here is some real context for the wonders you have achieved with me. Have had some significant things recently that would previously sent me in to a right state. However, I just breezed through them. Thank you for the amazing change you have made in me.”


Depression & Anxiety

“If you are looking for a therapist who is understanding, empathetic and patient, Grace is the one for you! She has helped me so much in the last few months and I cannot thank her enough. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for a few years now and have been through a few therapists, however, I have not found one who has helped or understands me the way Grace does. I have undergone hypnotherapy with Grace which has changed my life for the good. I would definitely recommend! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.”



Self confidence

“Finding Grace and having this experience with someone so compassionate and grounded I feel immensely grateful. If I look back at how I felt before embarking on this Thrive RTT therapy, I felt boxed in and unable to turn. I can truly say the experience has been life-changing and remarkable. I feel open, light, and calmly at peace. Every day I have a stronger desire and hope in myself and my capacity to find what I need in life. My confidence has grown. I quite literally feel rejuvenated.
I would recommend this experience to anyone who feels stuck and unable to move forwards. For me to go deeply into understanding myself and healing from outdated beliefs that have limited me has been so powerful. It’s as if a light has been switched on in a room I had tried to forget. To understand and see things so clearly has had the most amazing impact on my daily life. I feel a joy and optimism deep within which feels unwavering. I am so glad I found Grace and made the decision to do this.”


Stop Smoking & cultivating healthy habits.

“I have completed a single hypnotherapy session with Grace, focusing on my smoking habit. While the issue hasn’t been completely resolved in just one session, the insights gained were valuable in understanding the triggers and underlying thoughts associated with the habit. Additionally, concrete actions were identified to address the problem. Since the session, I’ve noticed a decrease in smoking frequency, as well as improvements in other areas such as drinking habits, dietary choices, physical activity level, and career decisions. I am extremely satisfied with Grace’s work and the fast and measurable results achieved. Many thanks to her.”