An immersive mind body workshop helping you to clear the blocks holding you back from being your best self.
with powerful therapeutic teachings to peel away layers that block you from truly connecting to you, and the power that is already within.
Starting with a self reflective meditation, gaining clarity on where you’re at, highlighting thoughts, beliefs and habits that hold you back – MIND.
Followed by nourishing flow yoga – BODY.
With various meditations & visualisations weaved in throughout, to go inwards and disconnect from unhelpful, unnecessary and untrue thoughts aka the monkey mind.
My intention is for you to leave feeling aligned with the best version of yourself – thriving & transforming.
“Grace is without a doubt one of my favourite yoga teachers in London and she put so much care and thought into the thrive and transform workshop and cultivated the perfect space to look inwards and explore in a safe, nurturing environment.”
‘I really enjoyed the workshop on Saturday. As you know I am not a yoga person at all. The space created on the day and the small size of the group made me feel comfortable and it didn’t matter that I wasn’t able to do the movements perfectly. In terms of feedback, the most powerful part for me was the visualisation of your higher self. I was really able to connect to this vision and therefore leave feeling lighter and freer and more connected to myself.”
Thrive & Transform
This workshop is hosted at various dates throughout the year. To keep in the loop, sign up to my weekly newsletter. If you would like to work with my privately, please book in for a free consultation.